How Can Craniosacral Bodywork Help with Stress?

If the key to stress relief and reduction of anxiety is a peaceful state of mind, then it makes sense that a body whose organs are in a balanced and peaceful state will be a stress-free body. Have you ever asked yourself if your organs are happy? Have you ever considered that the daily chemicals or foods that you are ingesting and encountering are creating harm to your physical and mental wellbeing?

While the body is working full time to prevent illness, it can only work at the optimal levels allowed by properly functioning organs and systems. The many seen and unseen rhythms and patterns of the body must be flowing in accordance to your natural harmonious state of being. This is especially true for the central nervous system, as it is the mainframe for most of the events transpiring within your person.

Naturally Battling Stress

Craniosacral therapy is directed precisely at the central nervous system, and more specifically at the self-healing mechanism that is controlled by this system. The body has the ability to fix anything that may go wrong with it. Sometimes this function is impeded, so it must be jumpstarted or rebooted so that it may rev itself back up and fight for its survival.

One of the most important rhythms of the body is the flow of cerebral spinal fluid around the brain and spinal chord. This is a 6-8 second flow occurring in each direction. If this flow is unimpeded, the central nervous system is bathed in rich, nutritional fluid and allowed to function at its highest potential. Once this flow is altered, things will begin to systematically break down.

The approach of craniosacral work is to search for any issues that may be causing a lack of circulating cerebrospinal fluid. This includes the adhering of the meninges, the linings of the spinal chord and the covering of the brain. This lining will sometimes become dehydrated, thereby fixing itself to the inside of the vertebral column or to the inside of one of the cranial bones. Once this occurs, the even flow of spinal fluid is altered causing undue pressure into parts of the brain, or restricting areas of the brain and spinal chord from being nourished properly. The central nervous system becomes stressed and the rest of the body will begin to show signs of malfunction.

Craniosacral therapy also looks at the connection between the sacrum and the cranium as one unit, tied together by the spinal column. If there is any imbalance resulting in limited or excessive movement of these two team members, then the meninges are in danger of being pinched or misshaped, again resulting in improper flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Much More Than Massage

Craniosacral therapy has been known to have amazing results on children with autism, many neurological disorders, fibromyalgia, and common neck pain and headaches. This subtle and pain-free treatment can have immediate and life changing effects. It is to be administered by a therapist with specific CST training, as it is not to be mistaken for massage. Its roots are in the cranial osteopathy field, but it is not an osteopathic treatment. It is a technique alone in its own category and one that is definitely worth trying.

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